Our Impact

Advanced Leadership Lab Cohort

Learning happens when a talented group of like-minded individuals come together to examine their own leadership styles and philosophies while exploring new ideas and behaviors. ALL gives participants permission to experiment, time to think and explore, and a community to help them along the way. With 134 lifelong members, and a current cohort of 60 leaders, the ALL community is impacting over 1,000 people through the philosophies and leadership experiences cultivated by the Lab, and has a ripple effect of influence on individuals, teams, organizations, and the profession.

Influencing the ALL Community

“This was a transformational experience for me, and I am so grateful to have had it. It was challenging in all the right ways, and resulted in my learning and expanding my consciousness about myself and my leadership. I forged individual relationships with my cohort mates that I know will carry forward and I will benefit from as I continue to grow.”


We’re all dealing with the same problems and it is incredibly helpful to speak with people from other campuses about these issues and their approaches.”


I had the opportunity to be a guest speaker at the UNC campus lab created based on ALL’s values for early to mid-level leaders.”


Coaching future cohorts through our tools and a-ha moments that a VP taught us has continued to influence hundreds of team members and helped me grow as a leader and colleague.”

Influencing the Advancement Community

“I've incorporated a number of the lessons and philosophies into my work with my direct reports and teams, which will total 40 employees by the end of the year.”


“I also used the learnings from ALL to hold mini-retreats with my direct reports and with them and their teams individually. This has been very well received, and we are planning a larger one for my entire line (about 80 people) in December.”


“We recently advised an unaffiliated ALL university on developing a future leadership development program.”


“We created a mentorship program following ALL themes and values”